Wednesday, August 16

Foo Dogs

Foo Dogs
Originally uploaded by abiknits.
Basically I'm just testing out the "blog this" feature on Flickr right now. What a great site Flickr is - I just wander around looking at some of the most amazing photographs... Very fun.

This is one that I took a while ago, I just love the property that I live on - these were installed close to a year ago now I think.

My daughter called yesterday to tell me that she's planning on moving to North Carolina next month. I'm not doing so good with this news. It's so far away!

Almost done with the P90 now, should be able to finish it off tonight, and then playing with the new handspun!! I think that the first thing that I cast on is going to be with the cable 4 ply.

All for now...


Monika said...

It's hard when kids move away. My daughter was 19 when she moved to Montreal, a 6 hour car drive. After that she lived in the states for a while, a 9-11 hour car drive away. But my parents must feel sad, because I moved to a different continent altogether.

turtlegirl76 said...

Far away but the weather is beautiful! I love it here!

So, the last time I tried to "Blog This" it didn't work - or maybe I was too impatient. How long did it take to show up?

Sarah said...

Wow! I really love the rainbow silk!

Egg dyes...I'm totally going to try those!

Gorgeous spinning!

KnittinNurse said...

Hi Abi- see you at the Guild Meeting on Sunday. Love you blog- just caught up today with the latest news. You are so producive!

Best regards-
