General update
So last Thursday I noticed that things were going to be slow on Friday, and promptly asked for the day off - boy did I need it! I'd been going on 17 days straight, and the three day weekend was wonderful.
Friday I woke up early to make sure that the boy got up for school, and drove him there. Then I went to the DMV and got my registration on my car taken care of, I have a happy little green sticker on my license plate now.
I came to the realisation that I'm carrying a big load at my job - there's three of us in my department, and I'm "in charge" of a whole long list of pretty critical stuff there. I hadn't realised really how much stuff until I went and made that list. A situation came up last week where my co-worker didn't do something that he should have done, and somehow it became my fault because I didn't double check that it had been done. I was so cheesed off - I went home to search for my resume - which necessitated a big clearing out of my whole desktop computer - removing old programs - disk cleanup - defrag etc... it's still slow, but at least I can open my resume and the template I use for my invoices.
So basically I just puttered about and didn't feel like I got much at all accomplished, but I was able to get some work done on the Caramel Swirl cardigan pictured above. This is the where I'm at as I type this. I've got one sleeve ready to be attached to the body - have to get the second sleeve done, and then do the top yoke part - that's where it's all going to get pretty tricky, I really do want to try to get the saddle shoulder shaping done on the top yoke. I have all the EZ books, and Barbara Walkers Knitting From the Top Down - I really need to do some research to see if I can wrap my brain round the method needed. I also was able to get some spinning time in on my Joy. This is some more of the fiber that I dyed in my dyeing frenzy a couple of weeks ago. I was most pleased with the dye job on this one - pretty subtle colors, though I had no idea what the wool was. I think it must be some of the superfine merino that I picked up from somewhere, I know I got a bunch of it. This particular fiber (whatever it is) just does want to spin up superfine, and is very soft - so I let it do what it wanted. Wasn't that nice of me?
I split the roving in half down the middle, and will spin up another bobbin trying to keep it fairly even, and hopefully get the colours to line up somewhat.I think this would be perfect for the Wings of the Moth shawl pattern that I picked up over the weekend. I've been seeing it around all over the place, and thought it was very pretty, and something that I can even manage!
I'm not so sure if I'll be able to get 1000 yards out of this fiber, but I'm sure going to try, and if not - then I have this that I picked up at the spinning guild meeting on Sunday that could possibly get used for the edging. Not sure yet, it'll be interesting to find out though.
Oh yeah! I went to the Spindles and Flyers guild meeting on Sunday - and am now a fully fledged member of the guild!! Whoo hoo!
It was my second meeting there, and their annual stash sale. I met Nancy Roberts and bought the latest copy of Spin Off from her - she even signed it for me! Some of the stuff that she's been working on lately is just gorgeous! Go check out her website, the techniques and the results are so beautiful and amazing. I so clearly remember that article and the jacket in Threads Magazine where Nancy got her inspiration from back lord knows how many years ago - I mean it was when they were still doing fiber arts and not just sewing!
I got to show off my new wheel, and wore my Angst Top (which garnered a compliment or two). I bought some fiber and some machine knit blanks from Nancy Roberts. These will get dyed, and then reknit. Not sure exactly what I'll do - it's supposed to be enough for the felted bag on the cover of Spin Off, but I'm not so sure that's a project I'm itching to do.
Saturday the BBE and I went on a lovely walk at Phoenix Lake. It was a long walk, but lovely all the same!
Abi...I'm getting ready to ply my first silk and I'm SCARED to death of ruining it. Can I email you with my questions? I'm rather attached to it and don't want to ruin it!
Glad you got some time off to enjoy your favorite things!!! Sue
The yarn for the sweater looks a bit like a scarf I made some time ago. I saw Wendy's Moth shawl, I'd be scared that it takes off and fly away! ;o)
Wow! You and the posting! One post of yours is like a week of mine!
Nice pretty wool. Love the color. Let me know how the divide and keep the colors lined up works...I've found it to be highly variable!
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