Friday, June 23

And some more blueness

You Are Periwinkle

You're very intuitive and sensitive. You often know other people better than they know themselves.
You're also quite optimistic, and you think well of yourself and others. You know your dreams will come true.

Yep - that's me all right - and hey, more matching of my blog template! I swear I'm either going to have to change my template or my projects one of these days!

Have fun!



Martha said...

I followed you here from your comment on my blog; I just have to encourage you in person to spin for socks. Its great!! Not frightening at all. If you're not sure they'll be durable, use them for bedsocks.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I've forgotten how to contact others through, so here is my communication.
Thanks for your comment on my yahoo blog! I think that your blog could use a nice watermarked background graphic...maybe something in a light blue lace? The colors are nice...I dunno what else to say other than nice. :) You need to move over to 360 so you can do more with it. :D